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What is StuRa?

StuRa is the Dutch abbreviation of Student Council for Political and Social Sciences. StuRa, in essence, is the platform for student representation at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences in Ghent. You can come to us with any and every question or remark related to your education at the Faculty. Know that you are represented and that you are part of the student voice in StuRa.

We are the link between, on the one hand, the students of the faculty, and on the other hand, the professors and the university. We try to influence and improve the policies of the faculty, the content of our courses and the quality of our teaching - which is extremely meaningful.


You can always come to us with complaints about courses, exams, professors and so much more. We also have a complaint form on Ufora, which is a very exclusive right we all have as students. We strive to be an approachable student council. We try to create a faculty where we can reach our full potential and where we are armed to meet the societal challenges of today and tomorrow. If you have a question or remark, don't hesitate to mail us at If you want, you can contact us via Facebook or Instagram.